2024-2025 Fall Semester Engineering Design / Graduation Project Thesis Submission & Presentations (Updated!!!)

The submission deadline for the final reports for the 2024-2025 Fall Semester Engineering Design/Graduation project is Dec 23, 2024, and presentations will be held on Dec 26 and 27, 2024.

Please click to see the thesis template.

Presentation Rules:
- Each group has 10 minutes duration for presentation and 2 minutes for question-answer section.
- Presentation duration is one of the grading criteria.
- Each group will be graded by the 3 jury member.
- Students allowed show their design prototype/simulation video during the presentation.

-Presentation details (Place, Day, Hour, Jury members) will be uploaded in the upcoming days.
- All the Electrical and Electronics Engineering students are invited to the presentations. 

Son Güncelleme : 17.12.2024 14:46 Okunma Sayısı : 538

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